Choose your plan
Start with our free 30-day trial and upgrade at any time
Best for mid-sized teams
Per user / month
Unlimited users
20k objects
250GB storage
1k automations per month
250 AI uses per month
Best for medium business teams
Per user / month
Unlimited users
200k objects
Unlimited storage
10k automations per month
250 AI uses per month
Best for mid-sized teams
Per user / month
Unlimited users
20k objects
250GB storage
1k automations per month
250 AI uses per month
Best for medium business teams
Per user / month
Unlimited users
200k objects
Unlimited storage
10k automations per month
250 AI uses per month
Compare plans & features
To see a full list of Starhive features that are available with every plan, click here.
Enter into one of our paid plans to unlock the platform for larger teams

Increase usage
Upgrade your plan to unlock the power of the Starhive platform for more users.

Unlock storage & grow your data
Unleash the value of large data sets with a paid plan that suits you. Store large amounts of structured and unstructured data. Choose a pricing plan that aligns with your needs.

More features
With paid plans, you will unlock features such as improved permissions, convenient administration features and more.

Got a question about Starhive?
Find your answer here…
Yes. We have a 30-day free trial of Starhive standard. After 30 days, or if you hit the limits of Standard, you will be asked to add your billing details to continue to use Starhive.
Your data is saved for 30 days. If you do not activate a paid plan in this time you risk losing your data.
We are supporting a variety of payments with credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club och China UnionPay.
Starhive is available globally.
Generally, no. But we try our best to help you if something unintended happens with your plans and payments. Get in contact with our sales team for any refund-related questions.