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The impact of poor data quality

Poor data can wreak havoc on any organisation, and the consequences are undeniably devastating. It can lead to poor decision-making, financial losses, reduced efficiency, damaged reputation, and loss of customer trust.

Bad data can have ripple effects that undermine strategic goals, erode stakeholder confidence, and ultimately jeopardise an organisation's long-term viability.

Taking poor data and making it great is tough. It can be time consuming and expensive, and it’s often hard to sell to internal stakeholders––but fear not. We’ve compiled the biggest impacts of poor quality data to help you understand what could be happening to your organisation and what you need to do to avoid any data obstacles throughout your digital transformation journey.

Missed opportunities

Poor data quality leads to missed opportunities, preventing your business from truly understanding your customers' unique needs and preferences. 

Without accurate data, tailoring your products or services to meet their expectations becomes challenging, resulting in missed opportunities to engage and retain valuable clientele.

The inability to analyse market trends with precision can hinder your ability to stay ahead of competitors and adapt to changing consumer demands. If you don’t have reliable data, you’ll struggle to identify emerging opportunities or threats in the marketplace, putting your business at a disadvantage.


Lost revenue and increased costs

It's undeniable how vital revenue is. Poor data quality causes lost revenue through billing errors, missed sales opportunities, ineffective marketing, operational inefficiencies, and customer dissatisfaction.

Billing errors resulting from inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to delayed payments, disputes with customers, and even loss of revenue due to incorrect invoicing. 

Missed sales opportunities occur when data inaccuracies prevent effective targeting and engagement with potential customers, leading to lost business opportunities. Ineffective marketing campaigns, based on faulty data, can result in wasted resources and failed conversions, impacting revenue generation.



the annual average cost of bad data


of businesses don't measure the financial impact of data

*Source from Gartner

As well as losing money, you could also be at risk of spending more to fix errors, pay compliance penalties, rework your marketing, and correct misguided decisions. 


Operational inefficiencies

Inaccurate or incomplete data can be a major roadblock for businesses, leading to a waste of valuable time and resources as employees grapple with unreliable information. 

Manual errors and inconsistencies across different systems only worsen these inefficiencies, ultimately impacting productivity and resource allocation within your organisation.

With a unified and dependable data framework, tasks such as customer service, inventory management, and strategic planning can be streamlined and made more efficient. 

This improves agility, allowing for quicker and more effective responses to changing market dynamics and customer demands.

According to the Annual State of Data Quality study in 2023, 68% of respondents reported an average time of detection for data incidents of four hours or more, highlighting just how much time can be taken with inefficient data.


Reputational damage

Reputational damage due to poor data quality can be highly detrimental to your business. When inaccurate or outdated data is used in decision-making or customer interactions, it erodes trust and credibility with stakeholders, including customers, partners and investors.

Lack of trust can lead to negative publicity, customer dissatisfaction, and potential legal implications if data privacy or regulatory compliance is compromised.

Reputational damage can also impact employee morale, retention, and investor confidence.


Poor or slow decision-making

Poor or slow decision-making resulting from poor data quality is a critical issue for your business. When data is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, it undermines the foundation for decisions.

When making decisions, hesitation, uncertainty, and potentially flawed choices can impact business outcomes.

Delays in accessing reliable data can hinder timely responses to market changes, customer needs or competitive threats. You may miss out on opportunities or make suboptimal investments, which can affect profitability and growth.


Regulatory compliance issues

Regulatory compliance issues stemming from poor data quality pose significant risks to your business. Non-compliance with regulatory requirements, like GDPR or industry-specific standards, can have severe consequences.

Bad data can put your organisation at risk of fines and legal action and damage your reputation. Failure to adhere to these regulations can lead to a loss of customer trust and relationships, especially if data privacy or security is compromised.

Check out the ICO's website and checklist for everything you need to know about compliance.


Inaccurate data

Inaccurate data is like a ticking time bomb within your organisation, waiting to disrupt your decision-making processes and overall business performance. 

When data lacks accuracy, the foundation on which you build your strategies and plans is shaky and unreliable. This compromises the very core of analytics, forecasting and strategic planning, leading to a domino effect of negative consequences.

The effects of poor-quality data can be far-reaching. They can cause you to veer off course with misguided decisions, overlook potential opportunities, and incur unnecessary operational costs due to constant errors and the need for costly rework. 

In a world where data is king, ensuring its accuracy is paramount. It's not just about data quality but also about safeguarding the essence of your business' success and longevity.


Decreased customer satisfaction

Poor data quality can cause miscommunication, service failures, personalisation issues, trust erosion, and reputation damage, directly affecting the customer experience.

Customer expectations are higher than ever, so maintaining data quality is essential for ensuring a positive and seamless customer experience. 

Dun & Bradstreet reported that 19% of businesses lost customers due to incomplete or inaccurate information and 15% failed to realise potential revenue for the same reason.


Ensure data quality with a unified data management platform

Unified data management (UDM) can ensure your data is high-quality and accurate through a centralised repository.

The centralised approach creates a single source of truth, enhancing data reliability and accessibility across your business.

Data validation and cleansing are crucial for maintaining high data quality. Automated tools within the data management solution should be employed to validate and cleanse data regularly, identifying and correcting errors, duplicates and outdated information. 

Integrating data from multiple systems into the data and asset management solution using APIs and data connectors ensures seamless data flow and coherence, further strengthening data integrity.

To learn more about using UDM to improve data quality and avoid the pitfalls of bad data, sign up for a free platform demo and see the results for yourself.
